Photographs of Mare Nostrum

A picture is worth a thousand words

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Reservations (+34) 922 75 75 45

Choose your hotel
Mediterranean Palace
Cleopatra Palace
Sir Anthony
No. of guests
Adults Over 13 years old
Children From 3 to 12 years old
Babies From 0 to 2 years old
Check in Check out
2 Adultos + 1 niño
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Explore our gallery

Do you want to get a better idea of what the resort is like? Go to the Mare Nostrum image gallery and discover its different spaces. You’ll love it!


Piscina hotel para familias Mediterranean
Cafeteria terraza piscina Mediterranean
Bar en la Piscina Cleopatra Palace
cleopatra palace
Piscina Hotel en Tenerife Cleopatra
Hotel en la playa Cleopatra Palace

Swimming pool

piscina hotel para familias mediterranean
Nadar Piscina Cleopatra Palace
Piscina Romana Hotel Cleopatra
Piscina Romana y Solarium Hotel Cleopatra
Cocktail en la piscina Hotel Mare Nostrum



Cena romantica Tenerife
Buffet de fruta Restaurante Cleopatra
Restaurante Mediterranean en Tenerife
Comida restaurante hotel Menditerranean
Buffet almuerzo Restaurante Mediterranean
Restaurante Windsor Tenerife
Restaurante de lujo hotel 5 estrellas Sir Anthony
Salón Hard Rock Café
Hard Rock Café Hotel Mare Nostrum


Cafeteria terraza piscina Mediterranean
Putteando en Green
Hotel Tenerife Playa

Wellness & Spa

Events & Celebrations

Catering Tenerife


Do you have any question?

If you need more information, please contact us. We will be happy to help you.

(+34) 922 757 545
Mediterranean Palace: +34 822 11 90 96
Cleopatra Palace: +34 822 11 90 94
Sir Anthony: +34 822 11 90 95 Contact us now
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